As more and more Cubans have the ability to access the internet, the desire and need for hosting websites has developed. The Cuban Telecommunications Company (ETECSA) has started selling internet web hosting packages to Cuban citizens.
ETECSA‘s Communication Department issued a press release advising that the company will begin providing customers with a variety of web hosting products which include data storage, guaranteed up-time and ftp capabilities with the dot cu extension.
The web hosting products will be of various sizes to meet the needs of their new clients.
ETECSA is hoping to expand internet access routes for Cubans. More and more Cubans are interested in developing their own websites. This fits perfectly into the strategy of the computerization of society – internet content by Cubans, for Cubans. In the past, Cuban internet web hosting services had only been available to the business sector.
For further information on ETECSA’s web hosting products, the company advises interested Cubans to visit their website at
Zoe Veraz is a content writer, freelance journalist and regular contributor to the Cuba Business Report.