Update: The Cuba Interviews: Conversations on Foreign Investment and Economic Development was published in August 2023 by Palgrave Macmillan New York.
Our older interviews are no longer available on Cuba Business Report. They have been archived and will soon be available in an upcoming book, The Cuba Interviews: Conversations on Foreign Investment and Economic Development.
This unique and indispensable compilation features conversations with leading figures from the world of international politics, industry, NGOs, academia and investors.
The purpose of the edition is to:
1) present a balanced view of Cuba from stakeholders within its borders and beyond; and,
2) analyze the current economic reality, development strategy and investment potential in Cuba.
The interviews took place from the time of what can described as the “supportive years” (the Obama presidency), to “the bleak years” of the Trump Administration, overshadowed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
One of the book’s objectives is to analyze the nature of foreign direct investment in Cuba from the perspective of government representatives and the investors. The content of these interviews demonstrates both global interest and participation, despite the limitations imposed by the U.S. Government. It is the only book in recent years to present an open window on Cuba, written from a global viewpoint without an American agenda of “regime change.” These interviews paint a more complete picture of Cuba.
These conversations with government representatives, international business people, and representatives of various sectors discuss political life, bilateral relations, investment, collaboration, and legal issues. The voices of business executives, attorneys, NGOs, and others, speak candidly of goals, opportunities and challenges, and their work in Cuba.
We hear the voices often ignored, the voices of reason and progress. The ones who lead and invest, create opportunities for themselves and others, initiate change, trigger sustainable development, build infrastructure, improve lives, strengthen the economy, lessen suffering, and build hope. They stimulate progress. They are visionaries with plans for a nation and humanity, seeking to realize the full potential of this Island to drive a new era of sustainable development, growth, and productivity.
The subjects of these interviews come from voices of Australia, Canada, Cuba, England, Holland, Indonesia, Italy, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Turkey, and the United States. It is a diverse collection of views differentiating itself from the limited perspective traditionally found in U.S. media.
The Cuba Interviews will be a valuable resource for those who wish to learn more about Cuban and foreign government positions on investing, economic development, U.S. sanctions, industry sectors, collaboration, and Cuban society. It will be helpful for those interested in studying the business climate and economic structure of Cuba. With the Biden administration in power, there will be a change in direction of U.S. policy and Cuba will again become a place for increased tourism, foreign investment, and trade.
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From our staff writers and editors.