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Arts & Culture

Exhibit: Fidel and the Foreign Policy of the Revolution

Fidel, as guerrilla-fighter and statesman, he remains both captivating and undefeated.

Fidel and the Foreign Policy of the Revolution,” was a exhibition commemorating the first anniversary of the passing of Fidel Castro. Sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Relations, the exhibit was held at the International Press Office in Havana (CPI) and was open to the public.

It was a collaborative effort by Habana Estampa, Katiuska Blanco, the website “Fidel Soldado de las Ideas,” Estudios Revolution, Casa Editora Verde Olivo, Revista Bohemia, Fototeca de Prensa Latina, Oficina de Asuntos Históricos del Consejo de Estado, Alex Castro, and the Cooperative Arconst.

The infographic exhibit comprised iconic black and white photographs of Fidel, the man and the leader. Press clippings blended and framed the images to stir and conjure up the collective memories of 20th Century world history. The exhibit presented was an opportunity for the viewer to embrace a greater understanding of Cuban culture, history, and its people.

With the exhibit, the Ministry of Foreign Relations paid tribute to Fidel. He was the driver of a diplomacy, committed to his people and to progressive causes in the world.  This man’s impact is undeniable, reaching far beyond Cuba.

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The press clippings and images combined showed Fidel in “multiple and transcendental moments” on the international scene and the foreign policy of the revolution: its message is optimistic, reflective, firm. Fidel, as guerrilla-fighter and statesman, he remains both captivating and undefeated.

Sovereignty. Unity. Internationalism. Solidarity. These are the ideas that structured Fidel’s Revolution. Today, those ideas continue to provide a framework for the foreign policy of the revolution.

If you missed “Fidel and the Foreign Policy of the Revolution,” view the exhibit images here.

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