Spanish company Suministros Electricos ERKA S.L. (ERKA Soluciones) have formed an International Economic Association (IEA) with Cuba’s OSDE Agua y Saneamiento (EMROH Havana) according to a press release by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment (MINCEX).
The new association, known as “Hidrosistemas y Automatismo” will provide maintenance and repair to hydraulic works and comprehensive water and sanitation systems services for the protection, automation, and control of technological processes and pumping systems in Cuba and abroad.
ERKA SOLUCIONES founded in 1975, with its head office in Errenteria Spain, is from the Household Appliances and Electronic Goods Merchant Wholesalers Industry.
The international economic partnership agreement from the Portfolio of Opportunities, will “provide a modern and efficient managerial system to develop the management capacities of the national workshop to repair and provide maintenance for pumping equipment.” It includes the business activities of diagnosis, construction, repair, rehabilitation, assembly, start-up, after-sales services, and warranty services for networks and installations.
Manuel Eloy Domínguez Morales, OSDE’s Business Specialist, said the Association will function as a technical, commercial, and logistic management center based in Havana. It will promote, control, and contract mechanical and electrical services.
The services of the new company Hidrosistemas y Automatismo will include “the manufacture and repair of electric panels for the protection and automation of all systems”, to encourage solar pumping systems and the use of renewable sources, and the creation of hybrid systems that guarantee water supply,” he added.

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