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Books on Cuba

Our recommended reading list of books on Cuba, from the Amazon bookstore.

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The Cuba Interviews: Conversations on Foreign Investment and Economic Development by by T.K. Hernández, Foreword by Dr John M. Kirk, Contributing authors: Mark A. Entwistle, Juan Triana Cordovi, Élise C. Hartill.Contemporary Cuba: The Post-Castro Era Third Edition by Philip Brenner, John M. Kirk, and William M. LeoGrande.Cuban Memory Wars: Retrospective Politics in Revolution and Exile
by: Michael J. Bustamante

Cuban Privilege: The Making of Immigrant Inequality in America by Susan Eva Eckstein (Author) (Hardcover and kindle versions)

Hemingway's Havana: A Reflection of the Writer's Life in Cuba. By Robert Wheeler and América Fuentes

Cuba: An American History (Pulitzer Prize Winner) An overview of Cuba's history, exploring the complex relationship between the US and the island nation.

Back Channel to Cuba: The Hidden History of Negotiations between Washington and Havana. ByWilliam M. LeoGrande (author) and Peter Kornbluh (author).

Healthcare Without Borders by Dr. John M. Kirk

Cuban Medical Internationalism: Origins, Evolution, and Goals Hardcover – Illustrated. By: by John M. Kirk (Author), H. Michael Erisman (Author)

Cuba at the Crossroads By: Philip Brenner (Editor), John M. Kirk (Editor), William M. LeoGrande

We Are Cuba!: How a Revolutionary People Have Survived in a Post-Soviet World. By Helen Yaffe. (Hardcover, paperback and kindle versions)

Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion by Arnold August.

Manufacturing the Enemy: The Media War Against Cuba. By Keith Bolender.
Paperback and hardcover

Cuba Under Siege: American Policy, the Revolution and Its People. By Keith Bolender

Cuba–U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond by Arnold August. (Paperback)

Cuba: Contemporary Art Paperback by Spanish edition by Andreas Winkler (Author), Sebastiaan A.C. Berger (Author):

Revolution of Forms Updated Edition: Cuba's Forgotten Art Schools (Paperback) by John A. Loomis (Author).

Chance and Desire: Havana in Black & White by T.K. Hernández, Foreword by Stephen Kimber. (Paperback and hardcover).

Cayo Hueso/Cuba Libre by Michael Ritchie (Author) (Fiction) (Paperback)

The Domino Diaries: My Decade Boxing with Olympic Champions and Chasing Hemingway's Ghost in the Last Days of Castro's Cuba by Brin-Jonathan Butler (Author) Paperback.

Passage to Cuba: An Up-Close Look at the World's Most Colorful Culture Hardcover – Illustrated.
by Cynthia Carris Alonso (Author).


Havana: History and Architecture of a Romantic City. Hardcover. By Maria Luisa Lobo Montalvo (Author), Hugh Thomas (Contributor), Lorna S. Fox (Translator)

Havana Living Today: Cuban Home Style Now Hardcover – Illustrated. By Hermes Mallea (Author).

Adios Hemingway / Goodbye Hemingway by Leonardo Padura Fuentes (Author), John King (Translator). Paperback, hardcover.

Havana Gold: The Havana Quartet Paperback by Leonardo Padura (Author), Peter Bush (Translator). Paperback, Kindle).

Cuba Then: Revised and Expanded by Ramiro Fernandez (Author), Richard Blanco (Foreword). (Hardcover).

Cuba at the Crossroads By: Philip Brenner (Editor), John M. Kirk (Editor), William M. LeoGrande

Cuban Elegance by Michael Connors (Author), Bruce Buck (Photographer). Hardcover.

The Splendor of Cuba: 450 Years of Architecture and Interiors Hardcover by Michael Connors (Author), Brent Winebrenner (Photographer)
– Illustrated.

Cines de Cuba: Photographs by Carolina Sandretto. Hardcover.

Havana Modern: Twentieth-Century Architecture and Interiors Hardcover by Michael Connors (Author), Ricardo Porro (Foreword), Nestor Marti.

Cuba: 101 Beautiful and Nostalgic Places to Visit by Michael Connors (Author), Jorge A. Laserna (Photographer) Hardcover.

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