A visit to Shanghai by a Cuban delegation of scientists has resulted in the strengthening of collaboration in the neurosciences and a signed agreement.
The Cuban delegation was led by Dr. Luis Velázquez Pérez, Chairman of the Cuban Academy of Sciences Center, Dr. Mitchell Valdés-Sosa, Director of the Center for Neurosciences (CNEURO), and Dr. Pedro Valdés, director of the China-Cuba Brain Neurology Joint Laboratory of Chengdu.
The Cubans attended meetings and presented scientific papers at the Shanghai Institute of Neurosciences.
This is not the first collaboration in science and technology between the Chinese and Cuba. Cuba’s BioCubaFarma business group has many throughout China.
There is a history of multiple joint projects between the two countries. This visit has resulted in the signing of an important agreement between the Shanghai Institute of Neurosciences and the CNEURO Institute of Havana.
Dr. Muming Poo, the president of the Shanghai Institute of Neurosciences, signed the agreement with Dr. Valdes-Sosa.
The meeting at the Institute of Neurosciences at the Chinese Academy of Sciences involved presentations on research related to approaches in biology that the Academy of Sciences and the CNEURO are working on.
In addition, Dr. Muming and other researchers of the Center shared their current projects and identified objectives for the near future.
Dr. Valdes-Sosa, gave a presentation of his work, “Neural mechanisms of visual attention and spatial integration.”
Furthermore, Dr Velazquez also gave a presentation on “Preclinical diagnosis and multimodal markers in Ataxia SCA2: Towards a global initiative for early intervention in neurodegenerative diseases such as ataxias.”
The collaboration is not without support coming from other institutions. Shanghai’s Municipal Commission of Science and Technology also ratified its backing for increased collaboration between China and Cuba.
Huang Hong, Vice President of the Commission, also expressed her support of the agreement and increased collaboration.

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