The 17th edition of the ExpoCaribe 2022 International Fair is scheduled for June 23-26 in Santiago de Cuba. It will be held either online or in-person, depending on the epidemiological situation at that time.
ExpoCaribe is the international trade fair of Santiago de Cuba. Its primary purpose is the promotion of foreign trade and investment within the Caribbean region and the economic actors from the eastern provinces.
The trade fair will be held at the Heredia Cultural Complex in Santiago de Cuba.
During a meeting held at the Havana Convention Center with the organizational committee of the Cuban Chamber of Commerce, Deputy Prime Minister Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz discussed preparations for the ExpoCaribe event.
He said that ExpoCaribe takes place at a time when greater powers have been granted to the provinces and municipalities and that the promotion of exports is one of the strategic objectives of the Economic and Social Development Plan 2030, in the economy’s recovery.
ExpoCaribe last took place in 2019 because of global Covid closures. Its success is important in boosting economic recovery.

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