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ETECSA Announces Cuts to Internet Fees

ETECSA, internet
An ETECSA branch office, this one in Habana del este.

ETECSA announces cuts to internet access fees for Nauta’s international accounts as of October 30, 2017.

An internet connection will now cost 1.00 CUC for a one hour Nauta connection.

Internet cards can be purchased at the following rates: 30 minutes card $0.50 CUC; 1-hour card $1.00 CUC and 5-hour card $5.00 CUC.

For Cubans with a Nauta email account, the storage capacity has been increased to 100 MB from the previous 50 MB.

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These rate reductions will increase internet connectivity for more Cuban citizens.

Cuba’s Communications Minister Maimir Mesa said that 36 percent or 4 million Cubans now have access to the Internet.

The Minister also said that two million people in Cuba now have Nauta email accounts.

After a trial run for home internet connection which took place in Havana recently, ETECSA launched its home internet program, ’Nauta Hogar,’ in some of the other provinces of Cuba.

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The internet rates are still high when compared to the monthly salary of 20 to 25 CUCs a month for the average Cuban, but still the price reduction is good news and progress.

The Cuban government has set targets of internet connectivity for the population.  In April of 2015, the government said it wants “all Cubans” to be connected to the Internet by 2020.

According to the official news website, CubaDebate, Communication Ministry IT Director Ernesto Rodriguez said, “The Cuban government is working to ensure that the IT resources and Internet are available and accessible to all Cubans” in five years.”

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