FIHAV, the Havana International Trade Fair, which in 2018 is reaching its 36th edition, once again represents the principal international multisector fair in Cuba and a privileged showcase for the entire Central American region.
For more than 10 years, the Italian Trade Agency (ICE) has been coordinating and guaranteeing the presence of Italian companies in FIHAV, registering the interest of our productive system in the gradual development and opening of the Cuban market.
Our presence in FIHAV is the sign of the effort in providing our companies with, an increasingly vaster promotional platform that also backs their presence in sectorial fairs in Cuba, as well as a wide range of assistance services. This year, the Italian presence has attained profitable results, as is the case of FECONS (International Construction Fair), where important bilateral collaboration contracts were signed.
The activity of the Italian companies was promoted by ICE Havana Office in other events such as SALUD PARA TODOS Health Fair, CUBAINDUSTRIA Industrial Fair and ALIMENTOS 2.0 – Cuban Food and Beverage Exhibition 2018. Furthermore, the ICE Havana Office has organized an increasing number of exploratory missions of Cuban entrepreneurs to Italian fairs and districts, to contribute to the development of the commercial exchanges between the two countries. These visits will create the basis for future collaborations, strengthening bilateral relations that are already very good.
The organization of the Italian collective participation in FECONS 2018 deserves of special mention as it has been a great success. As in previous editions, Italy has been the second most represented country after Spain, especially strong in the offer of construction materials. The Italian companies that have participated with ICE to FECONS have received five awards for of the excellence of the exhibited products/technology. ICE Havana Office received an award in the category “best assembly/construction of a collective business display.
After these positive results, ICE Havana, aware of the important challenge, will also organize the 2018 edition of the Italian collective exhibit to FIHAV. This year we are previewing an increase in the participation of Italian companies, therefore the collective display will be presented in pavilion 22, in the space known as the Italy Pavilion.
The collective exhibit will take up a net total surface of some 950 m2 . Pavilion 22 includes 850 m2, on two floors, subdivided into about 50 stands assigned to companies, consortiums and institutions, to which is added an external area of 100 m2 where agricultural machinery and exterior decorations will be on display. In addition, inside the Pavilion many points will be set up for tastings Italian excellencies in the hotel, restaurant and cafeteria sector.
More than 70 companies will be present directly or through consortiums and associations. Moreover, numerous stands of companies that are part of CICI, Cuba-Italy Business Committee, will be present. We underline the importance of their presence because of the role CICI plays in the bilateral commercial dynamics.
Furthermore, a space in favor of the Italian companies without a physical presence in FIHAV will be located in the Information Bureau/ICE Agency Office, through a customized presentation service. The ICE Havana Office will also back these Italian companies ensuring to their representatives that will be paying a visit to the fair the necessary assistance and by providing them with a series of customized service which will be an alternative to the direct presence in the fair.
The Italian companies’ sectors chiefly represented in FIHAV will reflect the opportunities offered by the market, with a predominance of productions considered useful for the island’s economic and industrial development, with particular reference to: construction materials, installations and machinery (packaging, bottling, water/air treatment), electronic machines and transmission installations, logistic services and means of transport. In addition, there will be a presence of companies representing consumption goods, like beverages and food products, footwear and decoration/contract.
In support of the Italian participation, ICE has also previewed collateral presentations with the press, insertions in the exposition’s official catalog and a catalog of the collective display with the participating Italian companies.
The 2018 edition will display a new graphic image and a more modern installation inspired by the one awarded in the last FECONS. Moreover, we are happy to announce the re-opening of ALITALIA’s flights, precisely during the days of FIHAV, which highlights the good moment of bilateral commercial relations. The reinstatement of these direct Cuba-Italy flights will be another element of facilitation for the Italian business people who have bet on the Cuban market.
The efforts that are being spent to achieve an Italian presence also in this year’s FIHAV witnesses the success of Italy’s economic system that the Italian institutions have decided to concretely back, guaranteeing support to the companies that have had relations with Cuba for a long time and to those that, on the other hand, are taking a first-time look at this reality through the new investment and trade opportunities.
As bottom line, we underline the complete availability of ICE Havana to assist our SMEs in their projection toward the Cuban market, offering 360o assistance and, therefore, we invite them, if they are interested in doing business in Cuba, to contact us.
Direct links for more information on Italian participation at FIHAV 2018:
Italy at FIHAV 2018:
Virtual Catalog (downloadable):
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Office of the Italian Trade Agency in Havana Agencia Italiana para el Comercio Exterior Oficina para la promociòn del intercambio comercial Embajada de Italia.
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