RZD International LLC and the Union of Railways of Cuba have signed a contract for reconstruction and modernization of the
The document was signed by the Director General of RZD International Sergey Pavlov and the Director General of Railways of Cuba Eduardo Hernandés Béserra.
The Contract stipulates reconstruction and modernization of more than 1000 km of railway lines, installation of new signaling systems at stations, hauls and level crossings. In addition, the Company will perform design and construction of the Integrated Traffic Control Center. Moreover, RZD International will supply Cuba with the materials, construction and track machines and equipment necessary for the production of works. About 600 Cuban railway specialists will study under retraining and advanced training programs.
The implementation of the Contract will result in an increase of average train speed up to 120 km/h, as well as an increase in cargo and passenger traffic by 1.7 and 3 times respectively.
The expected duration of the project is 10 years. The estimated cost of the project is €1.9 billion.

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