The European Parliament (EP) has announced the first ever European Union-Cuba deal. The EU-Cuba deal represents a massive change in the approach to bilateral relations with Cuba. The deal calls for the lifting of the economic blockade against Cuba and the need to align human rights with international standards by ratifying outstanding United Nations conventions.
Consent was given by the Members of Parliament (MEPs) of the Foreign Affairs Committee to the EU-Cuba cooperation agreement. The Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement (PDCA) between the EU and Cuba will assist in expanding bilateral trade, promote dialogue, economic cooperation and create a joint action in multilateral fora.
The EU-Cuba accord establishes the framework for future ties between Cuba and Brussels. It supports economic development, democracy promotion and human rights in Cuba.
MEPs have said this is a turning point in relations between the EU and Cuba. The accord has been under negotiation since April 2014.
The agreement between the EU and Cuba signifies a turning point in bilateral relations between the two parties.
The agreement calls for “lifting of the United States’ economic blockade” against Cuba, because it continues to have a widespread negative impact on the Cuban people. The EU-Cuba deal aims to improve living conditions and social rights of Cuban citizens.
The Next Steps:
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini signed the agreement in December of 2016. The report was approved by the Committee by 57 votes to 9, with 2 abstentions. Consent is now required by the EU Parliament will vote in the July plenary session in Strasbourg.
The writer of the report Elena Valenciano said: “With this vote the European Parliament is giving its support to use dialogue and cooperation with Cuba as the best instrument to advance in a constructive and future-oriented relationship, beneficial for the citizens on both sides of the Atlantic.”
The EP supports the of use dialogue and cooperation with Cuba as the best instrument to advance in a constructive and future-oriented relationship.

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