A workshop on energy efficiency in heritage environments and properties was celebrated within the framework of a cooperation project with the Office of the Historian of Havana, financed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Italy and executed by the Italian trade office, ICE-Havana. The joint project is called “Creation of the Restoration and Design Center San Ignacio 314 (ReDi).”
Ten workshops in total will take place, developed under the “learn-doing” philosophy, of which 6 thematic workshops have already been held.
With the inauguration of the ReDi Center and its implementation, you will find Italian excellence and expertise in the restoration and design sectors, applied to the restoration of buildings in Havana. A specialized bibliographic consultation room will be created for technicians, professors and students of the related sectors where they can consult specialized bibliography and participate in seminars and thematic events.
Learning-doing is the working philosophy of the ReDi project. In this sense, to consolidate knowledge and to establish and create an accessible knowledge base on the specific topics developed in the workshops held and planned, each of them prepares and distributes a workbook with the experiences of the Italian rapporteurs on similar interventions in Italy and the World. In addition, it is updated on the situation of the project and its adequacy. All of which, at the end of the project, will remain as a working memory very useful for technicians, specialists and as a reference for future interventions.
Read more about the ReDi project here.

Office of the Italian Trade Agency in Havana Agencia Italiana para el Comercio Exterior Oficina para la promociòn del intercambio comercial Embajada de Italia.
Contact us: lavana@ice.it