Today, the Italian group T.O.M.A. signed in the presence of the Minister of Construction of Cuba, Rene Mesa Villafaña, a contract amounting to 80 million USD for the construction of the IBEROSTAR Hotel in Trinidad.
On August 4, 2017 the contract of the International Economic Association between the TOMA Group was signed, a general contractor executor of civil, industrial, infrastructural and plant engineering works in emerging markets and the Cuban state construction company DINVAI, headed by the Ministry of the Cuban buildings.
AEI Trinidad was established as follows. The specialized companies of the TOMA Group, all based in the North-East, Impresa Tonon, Tonoimpianti, Oberosler and Maeg – through AEI will be able to realize not only the works resulting from the awarding of the tender for the construction of the Iberostar Hotel Trinidad and the Melia Trinidad Hotel, whose contract was signed last April 5 in the margins of the XXII International Building Exhibition (FECONS) which TOMA had participated in as part of the Italian Collective organized by the ICE.
Customers for these works – for a total amount of approx. USD 140 million – are j.v. TOS Cuba (Hotel Melia) and j.v. Cuba Caribe (Iberostar). This is the largest contract ever awarded to an Italian company on the island.
Press Release from the Italian Trade Office in Havana and translated by Cuba Business Report staff.

Office of the Italian Trade Agency in Havana Agencia Italiana para el Comercio Exterior Oficina para la promociòn del intercambio comercial Embajada de Italia.
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