Union Electrica (UNE) has joined La Union Cuba Petroleo (CUPET) as strategic partner for the second Cuba Energy, Oil and Gas Conference (CEOG) when it returns to Havana December 4-7, 2018.
UNE will highlight Cuba’s LNG import plans to all participants and how it plans to utilize the country as a gas to power hub. All companies involved in midstream, gas, gas to power and power generation are encouraged to convene in Havana to join in the conversation and maximize the conference’s strength and opportunities as a unique pathway to break in to Cuba’s nascent market.
Focusing on what measures are being enacted across Cuba and the wider region to integrate gas into the energy mix, with a keynote from Mr Angel Antonio Delgado Núñez, Deputy Director, Union Electrica (UNE) and several other key LNG and gas to power companies – UNE and CUPET has called on all international companies to join Cuba Energy for four days of informative content and exclusive networking with Cuba’s most invested stakeholders.
In just eight weeks time, Cuba will see the first of its kind oil and gas and power conference which has the full support of CUPET and UNE with the latter discussing natural gas in the energy matrix.
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