The labor movement continued to expand its call to take Cuba off the SSOT this week when the California Labor Federation representing 2.3 million workers unanimously passed a resolution “Urging that Cuba be removed from U.S. list of State Sponsors of Terrorism.”
This strong voice calls on “the International Executive Board of the National AFL-CIO to state their opposition to the inclusion of Cuba as a state sponsors of terrorism, and that the executive board of the National AFL-CIO forward a copy of this resolution to President Joe Biden and inform President Biden of the AFL-CIO’s opposition to inclusion of Cuba as a state sponsors of terrorism.”
This powerful statement culminates more than a year of educational work with California labor councils to adopt similar resolutions locally through Building Relations with Cuban Labor, a member organization of the National Network on Cuba. A list of labor, city council and other resolutions can be found on the NNOC website, along with useful tips for passing resolutions.
In June, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union also passed a resolution calling for Cuba to be removed from the SSOT, and additionally contributed $10,000 to provide pacemakers to Cuba. At a previous convention, the ILWU contributed an equal sum for syringes needed to administer Cuba’s lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines, designed and produced by Cuba. The ILWU represents port and warehouse workers from Vancouver, Canada, down the entire West Coast of North America.
Adding to the California Labor Federation’s resolution, the California Council of Machinists also passed a similar resolution this week.
Guest speakers at the July 16, 17 convention held in San Diego included dynamic labor strategists United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain and Sara Nelson, President of the Association of Flight Attendants who do not shy from difficult issues. Both the UAW and AFA are initial sponsors of the National Labor Network for Ceasefire. Union members interested in solidarity will gather at Pennsylvania and 4th NW in Washington DC on Wednesday, July 24.

Cheryl LaBash, writer and activist, travels to Cuba frequently since her first visit in 1985 as an Executive Board member of AFSCME Local 457 at Detroit’s Health Department. She now serves as elected co-chair of the National Network on Cuba.