Arts & Culture

When Jeri Met Fidel

EMBARGO, director Jeri Rice's first film seeks to understand the continuation of the ineffective US embargo against Cuba. Photo: Embargo

EMBARGO  Directed by Jeri Rice.  A review by Willard  Morgan. Jeri Rice met Fidel Castro on her first trip to Havana in 2002 at a diplomatic reception.  There he made an unlikely confession, declaring through a translator, “I tried to create a utopia but I did not succeed, and I have no time to fix it.”  This may have been a mistaken translation or perhaps Fidel was being flirtatiously provocative.  Whatever the case, it was the beginning of a ten year project that would lead to the making of this film. Jeri had organized a trip to Cuba with 40 influential women from the Pacific Northwest, including U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell.  It was the first of many trips that comprise the film, Embargo. This documentary is a fascinating and compelling overview of the issues regarding the continued embargo and our long history with Cuba, it’s people and culture. I’ve watched Embargo several times.  I needed to experience it and let the waves of recognition, nostalgia and surprise role over me as I learned so much about our relations with Cuba in the last 50 years.Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading. Jeri and I are  contemporaries with close ties to Cuba for…


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