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Arts & Culture

Fondo de Arte Joven Call For Proposals


Fondo de Arte Joven (Youth Art Fund) (FAJ) has opened registration for the First Call Program for visual artists and cultural enterprises. The project is a part of the A Ritmo de Inclusión project, financed by the European Union and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (COSUDE).

The FAJ is a platform for the promotion of emerging Cuban artists for creative projects in Cuba. It offers professional development opportunities to artists and entrepreneurs in the visual arts or music. Its purpose is to explore new ways to contribute to artistic production and to support innovative sustainable initiatives contributing to local development.

Fondo de Arte Joven has opened calls for proposals: Creative Projects and Cultural Enterprises.

The Creative Projects proposal for visual artists, includes photography, installations, video, digital, performance, or multidisciplinary disciplines.

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Cultural Enterprises include music and visual arts initiatives from the cultural entrepreneurial sector, focusing on local development.

Artists or cultural entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 35, residents of Cuba, may apply. The submissions must be unpublished works not competing in other calls for proposals.

Each artist or enterprise can submit a proposal according to the rules. The FAJ will publish the results through its social networks.

The deadline for applying is April 7. There are two application forms, one for visual artists and the other for cultural entrepreneurship.

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The FAJ is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the International Committee for the Development of Peoples (CISP), and the Community Initiatives Reference and Clearinghouse (CIERIC).

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