Cuba will make use of a homeopathic medicine PrevengHo-Vir in its COVID-19 (coronavirus) battle. PrevengHo-Vir has been used in the past to help combat emerging viral infections such as influenza and dengue.
The PrevengHo-Vir homeopathic medication is manufactured by the AICA Laboratories, a member of the BioCubaFarma group of companies. It is an immunological booster developed about 30 years ago with the assistance of China, Vietnam, and India.
The news was announced by Dr. Francisco Duran, Director of Epidemiology, on Sunday.
Dr. Duran explained in a press briefing that PrevengHo-Vir, taken sublingually, will be given to high-risk groups such as seniors, mother-infant homes and Covid-19 patients, positive and suspected cases, in isolation centers.
Homeopathy was created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann. It is a system of natural alternative medicine based on the belief that the body can heal itself. Hahnemann’s theory is built upon the belief that “like cures like” and that minute concentrations of a particular toxin cures the very same symptoms it would cause in larger doses.
The theory of “like cures like” is similar to the science of inoculation and vaccination.
Homeopathic medicine is widely used in Europe and Cuba.
Zoe Veraz is a content writer, freelance journalist and regular contributor to the Cuba Business Report.