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Health Care Sector

New Joint Venture IncuBIO to Attract Venture Capital

IncuBio S.A. to attract financing for early stage proof-of-concept clinical trials of new biotech and pharmaceutical products. Photo: Chokniti Khongchum

A new joint venture company, IncuBio S.A., has been established in the Mariel Special Development Zone to attract venture capital for the funding of early stage proof-of-concept clinical trials of new biotech and pharmaceutical products.

IncuBIO holds an exclusive license for the development and commercialization of biotech products, including NeuroEPO, one of the most promising pharmaceuticals from the Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM).

By financing the clinical trials prospective investors will acquire shares in the company and increase product market value.

Cuba’s CIMAB S.A. and Neuronic Mexicana S.A. de C.V. of Mexico are the new partners in the joint venture.

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CIMAB S.A., was founded in 1992. It is a division of the Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM). The company develops and markets monoclonal antibodies and other recombinant proteins for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, cardiology and other autoimmune diseases.

Neuronic Mexicana S.A. was founded in 1996. The company focuses on neuroscience. It is also involved in the development and marketing of biopharmaceutical products and medical equipment.

IncuBIO is now a shareholder in five joint venture companies located in Cuba, China, Thailand, and Singapore.

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