Rallies across the globe demonstrating support of Cuba took place this weekend. Across the world in 70 cities from five continents people came in cars, on foot, motorcycles, e-bikes and bicycles to protest the US embargo/blockade against Cuba for a full two days.
In nations such as the United States, Canada, Russia, Ireland, Italy, France, Germany, Namibia, Gambia, Angola, Mexico, Argentina, Panama, Colombia and others, the people came. Flags fluttered and colored the caravans, rallies, and marches in a show of international support for the Island.
In Havana, along its famous Malecón (seawall), the “Bridge of Love” caravan also joined in the global demand to end to the US blockade against Cuba.
Once again the world showed its global solidarity with Cuba, that this Caribbean nation is not alone in its fight against the economic, commercial and financial siege imposed by Washington.
Cuba’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla. tweeted from his account in Twitter, “Events like this are taking place in more than 50 cities. A good part of them in the US We are demanding the end of the blockade. The blockade has not only been harmful, illegal, immoral, criminal.”
He also said in this video that the actions by the US during the Covid-19 pandemic, is an ‘ illegal, immoral, and extraterritorial crime that violates international law, but also reinforces its genocidal nature.’

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