A follow-up to our interview with Eirene Houston, Founder and Festival Director of the Havana Glasgow Film Festival, ending today. The Havana Glasgow Film Festival (HGFF) 2017 ends today in Glasgow, Scotland. We spoke with Co-Director and Founder of the HGFF, Eirene Houston. Eirene and Co-Director Hugo Rivalta (from Havana) run the film Festival each year. Since 2002, Glasgow has been the twin city of Havana. The Havana Glasgow Film Festival is supported by ICAIC, the Cuban Film Institute, Glasgow City Council, Creative Scotland, GSA Fine Art Department, Unite, Mango, and a wonderful team of devoted volunteers, without whom this Festival might never have occurred.Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading. Cuba Business Report: What Cuban actors and directors are at the Havana Glasgow Film Festival? Eirene Houston: We can’t tell you how thrilled we are to have Aleida Guevara, Che Guevara’s daughter, as our guest this year. And as it’s the 30th anniversary of the very famous and special film, Clandestinos, by Fernando Perez (his first film) we are showing this. This was Luis Alberto Garcia’s first film, Ya no Es Antes, his latest. And we are thrilled to have him as our guest this year along with Jonal Cosculluela, the…
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